In Egypt, CISV was founded in 1979 and since 1995 has been a registered non-governmental organization (NGO). Today, there are more than 500 families, participants and volunteers who partake in educational and developmental projects and activities on both local and international levels. On a local level, CISV Egypt plays a vital role in initiatives such as celebration of International Day of Peace and the annual Characters of Egypt festival, in addition to various other activities.
On an international level, CISV Egypt has made major contributions and plays an active and essential role in running the organization. CISV Egypt has certified volunteer trainers who run international workshops and trainings annually for members of the organizations. Furthermore, we have active members internationally on various committees and in leading positions within the organization. Another major accomplishment has been the success of the series of International People’s’ Projects (IPP) that have been initiated and launched in Farafra since 2006.
“The IPPs have been highly regarded by the local community and other organizations working in the town, introducing a level of volunteerism previously unknown. The level of planning and organization undertaken by the volunteer members of CISV Egypt and their commitment to the town of Farafra and its people have been exemplary.” Denise Ferrar – CISV International Communication Officer