Historically, most of the CISV programs have been designed for youth (ages 11 to 19). These children and teenagers travel, typically in delegations of four, from their own cities and countries to an international camp-based program. They act as ambassadors from their countries and experience a leadership and education focused program with other delegates from around the world. All of these programs, the local organizations, and the national associations are run by a committed group of adults who volunteer their time to create these memorable experiences for the participants. But, in the early 2000s, a program just for adults was launched.
The IPP (International People’s Project) was established and programs under this umbrella are run in an average of 8 countries each year for two to three weeks at a time. Each initiative is hosted by a CISV chapter and open for up to 25 participants, ages 19 and up, from different parts of the world. From December 28, 2018 to January 18, 2019, CISV Egypt hosted its 7th IPP program and welcomed 22 adults from 12 countries to embark on a series of projects to promote education, conservation, and sustainability in the Red Sea.
Seminar camps, like any CISV camp, aims to educate and inspire for peace through building inter-cultural friendship, cooperation and understanding. However, unlike any other program in CISV, Seminar puts the participants in the drivers seat; from planning and facilitating activities to setting a schedule to cooking and cleaning, the participants do it all. There is a staff, of course, who supervise and take care of logistical matters as well as set the rules at the start of the camp to provide a safe and respectful environment from which the participants can learn and grow. (more…)
Stamping the present with an act at CISV Egypt Powerpack Village 2017
Between July and August 2017 54 people from around the world descended upon The Littlest Lamb, Orabi, Cairo – Egypt with the aim to ‘Educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world’ through participating in a month long CISV International Village.
CISV educates and inspires action for
a more just and peaceful world.
This statement is supported by our four educational principles, which unite and inspire us as members of CISV.